Saturday, February 21, 2015


Written 4/25/10

I wish I had a dime for every time he announced this in his loudest "outside" voice. Walking through the automatic door at the fruit market--going in. On an airplane waiting for take-off. Meijer Butterfly Gardens when he exited the restroom. And always, always in a restaurant. He also has to announce I GOTTA PEE, OR POOP BUT WAIT RIGHT THERE UNTIL I TELL YOU YOU CAN WIPE MY BUTT BECAUSE I NEED PRIVACY. He will also announce other peoples bodily functions in the same voice. And there is nothing more charming than when he is introduced to someone and he tells them I CAN BURP MY ABC'S. WANNA HEAR ME? He doesn't even recite his ABC's in English yet let alone in Burpish.